• We offer tailored partnerships to support and transform drug discovery.

    Every collaboration is a bespoke arrangement, meticulously designed to discover new compounds and targets in patient relevant disease models.

  • MIMETAS offers flexible fee-for-service solutions for therapy prioritization, optimization, and de-risking of compounds.

    As an extension of your team, MIMETAS provides the expertise and resources needed for effective research and development.

  • Our OrganoReady program is made for you when you need optimized assays for investigational toxicology.

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Enhancing 3D Disease Models: Automated, High-throughput Phenotypic Screening with Organ-on-a-Chip

On-demand Webinar

To enhance drug development & discovery, there is a critical need for biological model systems that better resemble human biology. Organ-on-a-Chip technology has shown its enormous potential to impact the drug discovery and development process. Most platform technologies are either based on single or small numbers of culture chips in dedicated surroundings - limiting their scalability and thus their utility for drug discovery studies… Until now.

The OrganoPlate® platform is an Organ-on-a-Chip technology that enables scientists to develop physiologically relevant human (disease) models in a platform being fully compatible with automated and sophisticated imaging, as well as robotic handling and compound screening. Join us as we explore how Organ-on-a-Chip technology provides scientists with scaled-up and powerful new insights from relevant biological models and more accurate predictions on the safety and efficacy of investigational drugs in humans.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How Organ-on-a-Chip technology is improving the drug discovery and development process and its potential to replace animal testing
  • How to integrate a high-throughput screen of 1546 compounds on a 3D angiogenic sprouting assay
  • How a robust phenotypic endothelium-on-a-chip model was developed and used to establish a complex T-cell migration assay
  • How to scale-up your research with an automated OoC workflow that leverages high-throughput imaging and analysis

Register here


Dr. Kristin Bircsak, Principal Scientist at MIMETAS
Kristin received her Ph.D. in Toxicology in 2016 from Rutgers University following which she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania in the laboratory of Dr. George Gerton. In her training, Kristin utilized various model systems to characterize the negative impact of drugs and environmental chemicals on reproduction and development. In her role at MIMETAS, Kristin drives the development of innovative 3D in vitro organotypic models and assays to aid in the accurate prediction of safe and effective therapies.

Dr. Angeline Lim, Senior Applications Scientist at Molecular Devices
Angeline has over 10 years of research experience in genetics and cell biology and holds a PhD from the University of California at Santa Cruz. In her current role at Molecular Devices, her specific focus and specialisation is in bioimaging. Here, she provides scientific support for the company’s portfolio of ImageXpress® High-Content Imaging Systems and their applications in lab automation, high-throughput phenotypic profiling and 3D models in biology.

Dr. Alessandro Prestipino, Postdoctoral Researcher at Merck Healthcare
Alessandro holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he has been working on both immunology and immune-oncology, studying the connection between oncogenic signaling and immune escape, and its clinical implications. At Merck, he works on multiple drug discovery projects, supporting target identification and validation, and developing cellular-based assays at different levels of throughput and complexity. Currently, Alessandro is laboratory head ad interim, and interested in applying “organ-on-chip”-based assays to characterize the behavior of certain compounds in advanced phenotypic models.

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