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  • MIMETAS offers flexible fee-for-service solutions for therapy prioritization, optimization, and de-risking of compounds.

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  • Our OrganoReady program is made for you when you need optimized assays for investigational toxicology.

    We guarantee OrganoReady performance according to specifications, in a fast and convenient sales transaction with a clear fee structure.

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Perform TransEpithelial/Endothelial Electrical Resistance (TEER) measurements in OrganoPlate® with this fast, automated, and impedance-based TEER device. Allowing you to assay 40-64 tissue culture chips
with a few clicks, in less than one minute.

OrganoTEER® features:

OrganoTEER Specification FlyerOur Technology

Product details

Meet the OrganoTEER

High-throughput TEER measurements
Measure 40-64 samples at once in under a minute.

Assessment of barrier function under physiological conditions
Evaluate epithelial and endothelial function under flow, without the interference of artificial membranes.

Obtain TEER values from all your samples in real-time
While leaving your cells intact and undisturbed.

Perform time-lapse measurements
Perform long-term time-lapse studies and save time for other experiments.

Supporting a range of applications in high-throughput
Suitable for research on in vitro endothelial and epithelial barrier models of gut, blood-brain-barrier, kidney, and more.

User-friendly device and software
Intuitive system, easy to maintain.

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  • Assess endothelial and epithelial barrier function of 3D tissue models at high-throughput
  • Evaluate toxicity effects of compound libraries in high-throughput

MIMETAS OrganoTEER for in-vitro 3D barrier integrity assessment

OrganoTEER Webinar

How the OrganoTEER is used in routine screens

"The OrganoPlate® 3-lane platform with the OrganoTEER will become a standardized assay in our early investigative toxicology drug screening workflow. With the OrganoPlate® we see a reproducible early screen for intestinal toxicity, and the first example internally of an advanced cell model being implemented into routine testing.

To date, the OrganoPlate Caco-2 model is for us, at Merck, the most suitable platform offering at the same time scalability, speed, robustness, ease of handling, with low compound needs."

Philip Hewitt, Early Investigative Toxicology, Pre-clinical Safety, Merck

OrganoTEER: how it works

Perform OrganoTEER® measurements
By characterizing tubular models with OrganoTEER® measurements, you can perform exposure studies to evaluate cytotoxicity and inflammatory reaction to compounds over minutes, hours, and days. You will be able to do timelapse series in the incubator and under flow conditions.

Fast data analysis
The OrganoTEER device comes with a laptop with pre-installed OrganoTEER® software. The intuitive software allows you to quickly select which chips you want to measure, give immediate results, and save you time on data analysis.

Watch the video to learn step-by-step how OrganoTEER® can be implemented in your workflow.

Want to know more?

Get up to speed with 3D tissue culture and learn how OrganoPlate® supports your research needs.

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