During this event, many excellent speakers from pharma, industry, and academia covered a wide range of topics related to 3D tissue and disease modeling.
Watch the recordings:
- Marc Ferrer, PhD (NCATS, National Institutes of Health)
Advancing Drug Discovery with Biofabricated 3D Tissue Models
- Bas Trietsch, PhD (MIMETAS) and Henriette Lanz, PhD (MIMETAS)
Scientific Discussion
- Rebecca Riddle (Cambridge University)
Using the OrganoPlate® to Develop a Vessel-on-a-Chip Model of Inflammation
- Henriette Lanz, PhD (MIMETAS)
Placing Compounds and Targets in the Patient Context through Phenotypic Disease Modelling
- Roundtable Discussion with Gera Goverse, PhD (Crownbio Inc.), Christopher Cooper (Labcorp) and Nienke Wevers, PhD (MIMETAS)
In vitro Models on the Critical Path towards New Drugs: Quo Vadis?
Headquarters Lab Tour and Musical break