Cells in vivo experience a complex, three-dimensional environment that exposes them to circulating molecules, neighboring cells, and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Organ-on-a-Chip is a powerful technology driving human relevance by utilizing microfluidic techniques. Organ-on-a-Chip systems, such as the MIMETAS OrganoPlate® platform, aim to mimic cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions, and recreates human tissue microenvironment in vitro.
Since most platform technologies are either based on single chips or small numbers of chips in dedicated surroundings, applications for Organ-on-a-chip are largely envisioned in pre-clinical testing. MIMETAS’ platform combines physiological relevance with scalability to enable the potential of automation, facilitating upscaling and streamlining research processes.
In this white paper, we give a detailed report on a 1546 compound screen on a robust 3D angiogenic sprouting assay. Download the white paper to learn exactly how we combined the OrganoPlate® platform with an automated workflow to deploy it as a high-throughput screening tool. You will also explore how image-based phenotypic screening offers high-resolution information and generates selective hits and novel biological insights.
Download the whitepaper here